Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal Disorders Quiz

What is the common symptom of Atrophy?

A. Shows obvious deformity with severe pain

B. Limited extension of elbow

C. Swelling and tenderness around the joint

D. Loss of muscle mass due to lack of fullness around the deltoid muscle

Select your answer:


Human Eye Biotechnology Types of Medical Reports Circulatory & Respiratory Cybersecurity in Healthcare Characteristics of Life The Skeletal System Parts of the Brain Discovery of DNA Defining Health and Wellness Food System & Nutrients Infection Health and Nutrition Cardiorespiratory Endurance Musculoskeletal Diseases

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This is the soft part of the tooth which consists of blood vessels and nerves

A. Pulp

B. Enamel

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It is focused on factors that prevent the onset of disease and problems associated with an activity.

A. Cardiovascular Endurance

B. Health-related fitness factors

C. Skill-related fitness factors

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