Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

Which of the following structures is NOT a part of the hindbrain?

A. Cerebrum

B. Basal ganglia

C. Hypothalamus

D. Medulla oblongata

Select your answer:


Muscle pathophysiology Genetic Diseases Medical Careers Biodiversity Conservation Nail Disorders and Diseases Bones, Joints and Muscles Urinary System Medical Terms Surgical & Complementary Terms Vascular Surgery Laser in Medicine Anatomy and Histology of Stomach The Human Body Cell Bio Tutor Oral Biology Nutrition & Wellness

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Excretory System › View

The _________of many nephrons open into a straight tube callecting duct

A. Proximal convoluted tubules

B. Distal convoluted tubules

C. Both of above

D. None of above

Pathophysiology › View

Influx of Ca++ ions in the cell is an indication of ________

A. Atrophy

B. Hypertrophy

C. Reversible cell injury

D. Irreversible cell injury