★ Cardiology Quiz
What does the T wave represent in an ECG?
A. Atrial depolarization
B. AV node repolarization
C. Ventricular repolarization
D. SA node firing
Select your answer:
Circulatory System and Nutrition Trauma Surgery Body Defense Laparoscopic Surgery Facial & Dental Injuries Vocabulary Mutations First Aid BTEC Biological Approach Revise Body Illness and Symptoms Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Nutrients in Food Skeleton and Muscles PHEOther quiz:
Endocrine System › ViewWhich term refers to the body’s use of energy for energy and growth?
A. Metabolism
B. Excretion
C. Digestion
D. Respiration
Nail Diseases and Disorders › View
I am qualified as a cosmetologist/nail technician to advise a client as to what diseases or disorders they have?