Medical Quiz

Immunology Quiz

The developmental stages of B cells in the bone marrow are defined by:

A. changes in cell surface markers

B. changes in gene expression

C. BCR gene rearrangements

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

Select your answer:


ology & phobia Head and Neck Anatomy Orthopaedic Neurology Male Reproductive System Physiology Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Dental Caries Healthcare Systems and Insurance Excretory System Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Disease and Immunity Disease, Illness and Sickness Pathogens Carbohydrates Serology/Blood Typing

Other quiz:

Microbiology › View

Animals that participate in the life cycles of pathogens and transmit pathogens from host to host are ______.

A. mechanical vectors

B. biological vectors

C. fomites

D. droplet nuclei

Upper Limb › View

How much rotation of the humeral epicondyles is required for the AP medial oblique projection of the elbow?

A. No rotation is needed as the epicondyles are already good

B. 45 Degrees

C. 35 Degrees

D. 15 Degree Cephaled