Medical Quiz

Vision and Light Quiz

What do different animals have different kinds of?

A. Receptors

B. Eyes

C. Legs

D. Wings

Select your answer:


Stimuli and Responses in Humans Bacteriology Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Agents of Disease Pathophysiology_Endocrine Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Personal Growth Plan Characteristics of Life Renal System - Pharmacology Disease Outbreak and Transmission Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Vital Signs Microbial Growth Vessels Musculoskeletal Vocabulary

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Receives blood from the body that is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide

A. Right Atrium

B. Right Ventricle

C. Left Atrium

D. Left Ventricle

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Causes increased MCHC except

A. Lipemic samples

B. Icteric samples

C. Increased wbc count