Medical Quiz

Metabolism Quiz

Increasing the temperature increases the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. Once a critical temperature is reached, the reaction stops. Why does this happen?

A. The concentration of reactants drop

B. The enzymes have all been consumed in the reation

C. The increase in temperature alters the pH

D. The polypeptide chains in the enzyme denature

Select your answer:


Microbes Parkinson Disease Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Immune Cells Faction The Vascular System and Blood Flow Life Processes Urinary System and Fluid Balance Endocrinology Myocarditis Renal & Neural EMS Systems Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Asexual Reproduction Dementia Hematology

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How many pairs of contrasting charactersin pea plants were studied by Medel in his experiments

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B. Eight

C. six

D. seven