Medical Quiz

Pathophysiology Quiz

A diabetes patient reports that they lack sensation in their feet at times. What diagnosis comes to mind that they are describing?

A. Peripheral Neuropathy

B. Alcoholism

C. Gangrene

D. Ulcer

Select your answer:


Anatomy Bones Mouth - Stomach Radiography Human Eye Cells, Tissues and Organs Hazards & Risks Breathing ...Respiration Blood clotting Humanistic and Biological Psychology History of Medicine Chest, Back, Abs Biological Molecules Types of Immunity Orthopedics Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology

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A. Blurred Vision

B. Numbness or Tingling

C. Muscle Weakness

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What color does Staphylococcus aureus turn when it ferments mannitol?

A. Red

B. White

C. Green

D. Yellow