Medical Quiz

Vitamins Quiz

What is the main difference between the subgroups of vitamins?

A. There aren’t any subgroups of vitamins

B. One sub group needs to be replaced every day because they are dissolved in water and the other can be stored in fat in the body

C. One sub group provides enough nourishment for the body while the other can cause problems if consumed

D. Both of the subgroups need to be consumed on a daily basis because they cannot be stored in the body

E. Once group provides a quick burst of energy and the other provides long term energy

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

Characteristics of Life › View

Identify the characteristic: A camel has eyelashes that work to keep the dust and sand out of its eyes.

A. All living things adapt/respond to their environment

B. All living things grow

C. All living things have cells

D. All living things use energy

Immunology › View

Creating your own antibodies following infection is what type of immunity?

A. Passive natural

B. Passive artificial

C. Active artificial

D. Active natural