Medical Quiz

HNBS Intern Quiz

The superficial group of the muscles of the back includes:

A. Serratus Posterior

B. Levator Scapulae

C. Longissimus

D. Splenius Capitis

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular Nursing Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism The Digestive System Muscle & Nerve Tissue BMI (Body Mass Index) Musculoskeletal Vocabulary Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Immunology and Serology Visual Impairment Asexual Reproduction Biochemistry Lab Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Brain/Neuron Anatomy Healthy Foundations Nutrition

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Water, soil, air and climate make up the _________part of an ecosystem

A. biotic

B. abiotic

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If a person goes to the hospital to receive a blood transfusion, but returns home in 6 hours, it is called _______ care.

A. hospice

B. acute

C. subacute

D. Outpatient