Medical Quiz

HNBS Intern Quiz

Bandage muscle wrapping around other neck muscles

A. Sternocleidomastoid

B. Trapezius

C. Splenius

D. Serratus anterior

Select your answer:


Dermis Emergency Medicine Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels MEDICINE T Cells Cell Cycle Problems Tissues Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Health Systems Vital Signs Microbiology Muscularskeletal System Thyroid Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Human Organ System

Other quiz:

Heart Anatomy › View

Which of the following paths correctly orders blood flow through the systemic circuit of the circulatory system?

A. Left ventricle, aorta, pulmonary veins, right atrium

B. Left ventricle, aorta, vena cavae, right atrium

C. Right ventricle, aorta, vena cava, left atrium

D. Right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, left atrium

Nail Enhancement › View

If a light unit has four bulbs in it, and each bulb is 9-watts, then the lamp is called a ________________ lamp.

A. 3-watt

B. 7-watt

C. 11-watt

D. 36 watt