Medical Quiz

Mouth - Stomach Quiz

How many permanent teeth do humans have?

A. 20

B. 30

C. 32

D. 42

Select your answer:


Digestive System and Nutrition Excretion Macro and Micro Nutrients Joints Cardiovascular Nervous / Sensory System Gene Expression Nutrient Cycling Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Infection Pediatric Cardiology Infectious Diease Stress Skeletal Tissue Human Anatomy Study Guide

Other quiz:

Nutrition › View

The biggest sources of proteins would be

A. Fruits & Vegetables

B. Red Meat, Seafood, Nuts, Eggs, Beans

C. Bread, Cereals, Pastas, Rice, Grains

D. Butter, Oils, Fried Food, Bacon

Cell Review › View

Which of the following phrases best describes cytokenesis
A. division of the cytoplasm
B. division of the nucleus
C. division of DNA
D. division of surface area