Medical Quiz

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Quiz

Name the 3 transmission routes of infection for pneumonia

A. 1. Aspiration
2. Sepsis
3. Inhalation (airborne pathogen)

B. 1. Aspiration
2. Sepsis
3. Hematogenous spread (from a primary infection in the blood)

C. 1. Aspiration
2. Sepsis
3. Toxic inhalations

D. 1. Aspiration
2. Inhalation (airborne pathogen)
3. Hematogenous spread (from a primary infection in the blood)

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

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What are “Symptoms”?

A. An objective indication of a disease

B. Something a person feels indicating a disease

C. A condition affecting the entire body

D. An illness that is irreversible

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Cover dancing requires a lot of coordination, but which part of your brain coordinates your muscle movements?

A. cerebellum

B. cerebrum

C. brain stem

D. hypocampus