Which of the following should NOT be done when managing a bleeding nose?
A. Tilt the head back to decrease bleeding
B. Lie on the same side as the bleeding septum
C. place a cold compress over the nose
D. apply finger pressure to the affected nostril for 5 minutes
Select your answer:
Healthy Lifestyle Medical Microbiology Respiratory The Microbial World Types of Reproduction Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Perioperative Nursing Care Health Unit Coordinating Anatomy Muscles Myocarditis Respiration Endocrine System Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Eye PhysiologyOther quiz:
The Skeletal System › ViewWhen do humans have the most bones in their bodies?
A. As babies
B. Age 50
C. Age 5
D. Age 25
Nature of Science › View
Which of the following characteristics of living things best explains why some North American birds fly south for the winter?
A. evolution
B. response to the environment
C. energy and ability to metabolize
D. reproduction