Medical Quiz

Central Nervous System Quiz

The nervous system lets your body know what is going on around you and______________

A. changes what is bad for your body.

B. maintains the conditions inside your body such as your temperature. 

Select your answer:


Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Anatomy Respiratory System Blood clotting Body Fluids and Blood Cells Type of Dementia Sarcomere Anatomy Type 1 Diabetes Mycology Blood Pathology Somatotypes Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health The Nervous System Bone Human Organ System Genetics Vocabulary

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Food Microbiology › View

What are the advantages of using serial dilution?

A. allows for precise measurement of concentration of a sample

B. allows isolation of pure cultures of microorganisms from mixed populations

C. allows for preparation of solutions with a known concentration

D. All of the above

Microbiology › View

Lipopolysaccharide of the outer membrane of gram-negative cell walls is called ______.

A. enterotoxin

B. endotoxin

C. leukocidin

D. exotoxin