Medical Quiz

Forensics: Blood Quiz

Which test is used to identify human blood?

A. Kastle-Meyer

B. Hemastix

C. Precipitan

D. Luminol

Select your answer:


Bacteriology Homeostasis - Vision Correction Respiration Histology BMI (Body Mass Index) Cellular Transport and Metabolism Systematic Bacteriology Renal Pharmacology The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level Lungs Mental Health Nail Blood Pathology Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Embryology

Other quiz:

Lungs › View

_______________________ is the largest muscle, which is also the most efficient. It is located under the lungs and separates them from the other internal organs such as the liver, the stomach, the intestines and etc.

A. Trachea

B. Bronchi

C. Bronchioles

D. Diaphragm

Musculoskeletal Fitness › View

What are the potential risks of neglecting flexibility training in a fitness routine?

A. Neglecting flexibility training has no impact on fitness

B. Neglecting flexibility training can lead to decreased range of motion, increased risk of injury, and poor posture

C. Neglecting flexibility training only affects professional athletes

D. Neglecting flexibility training improves muscle mass