Medical Quiz

Forensics: Blood Quiz

if you have A+ blood, to whom can you donate?

A. A+, A-, AB+, AB-

B. A+, AB+, O+

C. AB+, A+

D. O-

Select your answer:


Ecology Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels The Ankle and Lower Leg Health Systems Components of Physical Fitness The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Clinical Pathology Pancreatitis Properties of The Hair and Scalp Epithelial HHB Immunology Dimensions of Wellness Hematologic System Cell Transport Physiology Pathology

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Human Urinary System › View

Drinking too much water causes

A. blood osmotic pressure increases above the normal range

B. more concentrated urine is generated in low volumes

C. less concentrated urine is generated in high volumes

D. more ADH is secreted from the pituitary gland.

Hematology › View

When performing platelet aggregation studies, which set of platelet aggregation result would most likely be associated with Bernard-Soulier syndrome?

A. normal platelet aggregation to collagen, ADP and ristocetin

B. normal platelet aggregation to collagen, ADP, epinephrine; decreased aggregation to ristocetin

C. normal platelet aggregation to epinephrine and ristocetin; decreased aggregation to collagen and ADP

D. normal platelet aggregation to epinephrine, ristocetin and collagen; decreased aggregation to ADP