Medical Quiz

Cell & Bond Quiz

Which of the following groups of proteins assist in the folding of other proteins?

A. Proteases

B. Proteosomes

C. Templates

D. Chaperones

Select your answer:


Cell Biology & Biotechnology Digestion Public Health and Genetic Disease Glucose in the Body Homeotic Genes and Cancer Anatomy Bones Muscle pathophysiology Circulatory & Lymphatic Digestive System Medical Terminology The Ear Cell Division EMR - Trauma Hospitality Muscoskeletal Injuries Virus and Bacteria

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Which potential complication arises due to overmedication in MG?

A. osteoporosis

B. breathing problems.

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Which statement best describes chromosomes?

A. They carry out cellular respiration

B. They consist of the pigment chlorophyll

C. Their structure is only visible during interphase

D. They consist of tightly coiled strands of DNA and proteins