Medical Quiz

Trauma Quiz

Psychogenic shock is commonly known as:

A. hyperperfusion

B. stress reaction shock

C. decompensation

D. fainting

Select your answer:


Visual Impairment Heredity and Living Cells Muscular System Virus Major Internal Organs of the Body Smoking Related Diseases Digestion and Microbes Nutrition In Animal Regulation of Heart Rate The nervous system & brain Adaptive Immune System Knee Anatomy Biodiversity Conservation Pediatric Cardiology Cancer (Bio II)

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Circulatory System › View

The rhythm of your heart, heart rate, is called?

A. Pulse

B. Heart disease

C. irregular

D. Blood pressure

Nervous System › View

Which cranial nerve plays a role in your sense of smell?

A. Olfactory (CN I)

B. Optic (CNII)

C. Trigeminal (CN V)

D. Hypoglossal (CN XII)

E. Vagus (CN X)