Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz

What is the study of small living things

A. Genetics

B. Marine Biology

C. Botany

D. Microbiology

Select your answer:


Joints in our Body Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Pain Management Autism Awareness Muscular Cellular Transport and Metabolism Skin Appendages Metabolism Medical Microbiology Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Psychiatry Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Body Systems & Anatomical Terms Central and Peripheral Nervous System

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Strong, fibrous strings that attach to the cusps of the tricuspid valve on the ventricular side are called

A. papillary muscles

B. aorta

C. chordae tendinae

D. Intraventricular septum

Nutrition Vocabulary › View

A hormone produced by the stomach that signals your brain that the stomach is empty and it is time to eat.

A. ghrelin

B. leptin

C. insulin