Medical Quiz

Digestive System Medical Terminology Quiz

A. stomach

B. pancreas

C. large intestine

D. small intestine

Select your answer:


Hematology / Oncology DNA Physiology Pathology Immunity in Humans Nutritional Trivia Physical Fitness Acute Responses to Exercise Sensory System Key Terms Disease and Immunity Understanding Psychology Nervous System Reproduction in Human Beings Genes and Cells Disease, Illness and Sickness Immunology Food Microbiology

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What is the basic unit of human muscle?

A. Muscle fascicle

B. Muscle

C. Myofibril

D. Sarcomere

Diseases of The Body Systems › View

Arthritis affects which body system?

A. The musculoskeletal

B. The nervous system

C. The circulatory system

D. The immune system