Medical Quiz

Inheritance Quiz

What is the definition of Homozygous?

A. When one allele is dominant and one is recessive

B. When an individual has two sets of the same allele.

C. when it is neither dominant or recessive

Select your answer:


Vocabulary Cell Cycle; Cancer Dentistry Pain Pathophysiology HHB Immunology Infant Nutrition Digestive System (Gastroenterology) Nutrient Cycling CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs Brain and Nervous System Oral Surgery Health and Hygiene Viruses Biomolecules First Aid Body

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What is “Thermal Conductivity?”

A. The measure of a material’s ability to transfer an electrical current

B. The measure of a material’s ability to transfer cold

C. The measure of a material’s ability to transfer heat

D. The measure of a material’s ability to transfer electrons

Medical Terminology › View


A. aden-

B. heart

C. eyelid

D. gland