Medical Quiz

ology & phobia Quiz

The study of living things is called _________.

A. biodegradable

B. claustrophobe

C. hydrophobic

D. biology

Select your answer:


Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Introduction to Pharmacology Cardiovascular Diseases Pathology Inflammation Excretion Nutrition - Digestive System Enzymes and ATP Structure DNA & Types of Reproduction Diabetes Mellitus Transport System in Man Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Types of Reproduction Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Eyes and Hearing Nervous System Functioning

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40 to 50 percent of the body’s weight is contributed by ____.

A. bones

B. water

C. muscles

D. blood

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The antithyroid drug with fastest onset of action is

A. Methimazole

B. I131

C. Propylthiouracil

D. Iodine