Medical Quiz

Ecology Quiz

If an organism has a vestigial structure, that structure likely once had a function in a(n)

A. close relative

B. early ancestor

C. unrelated organism

D. embryological stage

Select your answer:


History of Psychology Oncology Hygiene and Nutrition Advanced Stretching SM2 Liveability Teeth and Microbes Corona Medical Terminology Prefixes Introduction to Histology Biochemistry of Diabetes Neurological Disorders Cellular Components The Nervous System Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Human Reproduction

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Neuroanatomy › View

Which of the 5 vesicles of the brain at 5 weeks of development retains its name in the fully developed brain?

A. Telencephalon

B. Diencephalon

C. Mesencephalon

D. Metencephalon

E. Myelencephalon

Immunisation › View

What is the function of antibodies within the immune system?

A. Antibodies kill off any antigen that enters the body.

B. Antibodies are only made when you are given a vaccination for specific antigens.

C. Antibodies bind to specific antigens to flag for destruction.

D. Antibodies are part of an external defense mechanism.