Medical Quiz

Endocrinology Quiz

Where are the adrenal glands located ?
A. on top of the kidney
B. in the throat
C. everywhere in the stomach
D. in the arms and legs

Select your answer:


Hemodynamics Digestion Musculoskeletal LE Gastroenterology Nursing PHE Healthy Lifestyle Toxicology Economic importance of Bacteria Types of Nutrients Health - Nutrition Infectious Diease Mycology Kinetics Oronasal Suctioning Anatomy Respiratory System Cancer & Cell Cycle

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CCS, or Canadien Cardiovascular Society classification, is

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

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Identify the false statement concerning gloves:

A. Gloves must be worn be all dental professionals

B. Gloves must be washed before use.

C. Gloves must be worn for each patient.

D. Gloves must be sterile for surgical procedures.