Medical Quiz

Human Organs Quiz

Maria has been feeling tired.  She went to the doctor and discovered she has anemia (a condition in which the blood doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells).  What body system is impacted the MOST by her condition?
A.     Circulatory system
B.     Digestive system
C.     Excretory system
D.     Nervous system

Select your answer:


Human Body and Pathogens Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Biological Molecules and Enzymes Measles and Hib Lifetime Wellness Inflammation and Tissue Repair Protein Synthesis Enzymes Musculoskeletal LE Common Respiratoty Diseases Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Blood and Bones Inherited & Acquired Traits Lifestyle Diseases

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B. an infection in the semicircular canals

C. a ruptured tympanic membrane

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