Medical Quiz

Personal Growth Plan Quiz

Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.

The Interpersonal ____________ scale indicates how effectively an individual uses direct, honest, and appropriate expression of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in dealings with others.

A. Assertion

B. Intrapersonal

C. Persistence

D. Deference

Select your answer:


Carbohydrate Metabolism Dyslexia Coronary Heart Diseases Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Skeletal Pathology Vocabulary Patient-Centered Endocrinology History of Medicine Genetics Measles and Hib Hormones Stress Radiology Infection Control Understanding Psychology Nervous System Cardiovascular

Other quiz:

Diseases & Disorders › View

Around what age does Parkinson’s Disease typically present itself?

A. Pre-adolescent

B. 20 to 40

C. 41 to 55

D. 60 or older

Inflammation and Tissue Repair › View

It is the substance that will cause transient vasoconstriction of the blood vessels immediately after the initial injury.

A. Histamine

B. Hageman factor

C. Norepinephrine

D. Prostaglandin