Medical Quiz

Major Internal Organs of the Body Quiz

It stores food nutrients,breaks down toxic substances in the blood, and produces bile that helps in the digestion of fat.

A. brain

B. liver

C. kidneys

D. lungs

Select your answer:


Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Infection Body Systems Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Lifestyle Diseases SPED Law-lympics Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Skin Diseases Reproductive System Vocabulary Pharmacology Vitamins DNA and RNA Structures Enzymes and Movement of Substances Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Macronutrients & Micronutrients

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Which of the diseases would you get if you played too much tennis

A. Muscular dystrophy


C. Tendonitis

D. Celebral Palsy