Medical Quiz

Respiratory Quiz

What scale do we use for sedation

A. Morse scale



Select your answer:


Monoclonal Antibodies Reproductive System Vocabulary Cardiopulmonary Surgical & Complementary Terms Energy and Metabolism Microbial Growth & Nutrition Microbial Growth Orthopedic Surgeon Cell Biology & Biotechnology Medical Terminology Prefixes Transport System in Man Diabetes Pathophysiology Endocrine System Terms Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Infectious Disease and Pathogens

Other quiz:

Male Reproductive System › View

A major male sex organ that produces and stores sperm.

A. Prostate Gland

B. Testicle

C. Ovary

D. Vas deferens

Oronasal Suctioning › View

Nurse Angela was assigned to client Mikaela who is scheduled for suctioning every 4 hours. Mikaela has oxygen via nasal cannula hooked at 2-3 Lpm. What will be the priority nursing intervention?

A. remove the oxygen cannula the suction the patient

B. lower the suction pressure prior to the procedure

C. ask the client if she needs to be suctioned

D. hyperoxygenate the client prior to suctioning