★ Health Issues and Concerns Quiz
The unpleasant smell of the human body usually caused by poor hygiene and changes in the body.
A. Hyperopia
B. Body Odor
C. Halitosis
Select your answer:
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Infectious Diseases & the WHO Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Nutrition form 2 BTEC Biological Approach Revise Skeleton Muscular Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes Division of Microbiology Regulation of Urine Formation Neurons Physical Activity First Aid Check up Hazards & Risks Human BodyOther quiz:
Homeostasis and Disease › ViewGenetic mechanisms can be a mechanism of disease.
Joints › View
When kicking a football the knee
A. Flexes
B. Extends
C. Abducts
D. Adducts