Medical Quiz

Cell Cycle Quiz

Which enzyme fixes the Okazaki fragments in the lagging strand?

A. Helicase

B. Polymerase

C. Ligase

D. Primerase

Select your answer:


Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Genetic Diseases Hospital Departments Vision and Hearing Defects Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Hematology Kidney - Loop of Henlé Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Burns and Skin Cancer Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Transportation and Excretion Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Meiosis and intro to Genetics Connective Tissue Cardiovascular System Terminology

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In humans, B cells mature in the _____ and T cells mature in the ______

A. GALT, liver

B. bursa, thymus

C. bone marrow, thymus

D. lymph nodes, spleen

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A. Nucleus

B. Cell Body

C. Axon

D. Node of Ranvier