Medical Quiz

Receptors Quiz

What type of stimulus does taste detect

A. light

B. vibration

C. chemical

D. pressure

Select your answer:


History of Psychology Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Respiration Biochemistry of Diabetes Major Internal Organs of the Body Genetic Diseases Name that Pathogen Nail Diseases and Disorders Parts of the Skin Hospital Departments Ortho Ward Simulation Physical Education EMS Systems Genes and DNA Medicinal use of Microorganisims

Other quiz:

Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology › View

softening of bones caused by calcium deficiency

A. osteomalacia

B. rickets

C. osteoporosis

D. scoliosis

Muscular System › View

Muscles are attached to bones by _____.

A. Ligaments

B. Tendons

C. Cartilage

D. Axons