Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Quiz

Which hormone is involved in regulating blood glucose levels?

A. Thyroxine

B. Oestrogen

C. Testosterone

D. Insulin

Select your answer:


Body Fluids & Circulation Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Systematic Bacteriology Medical Terminology Erythrocyte Disorders Joints and Range of Motion Nervous System and Special Senses Body System Interactions Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Nutrition Lipid Hospice Basics DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Unintentional Injuries Patient-Centered Endocrinology Safety and First Aid

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a tiny, nonliving particle that can infect cells and cause diseases and cannot be killed with antibiotics

A. acute

B. chronic

C. bacteria

D. virus

E. lymphatic system

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NCLB was replaced by ESSA. ESSA stands for?

A. Every Student Succeeds Act

B. Educating Student School Act

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