Medical Quiz

Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Quiz

How many sugar units make up disaccharides?

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. zero

Select your answer:


Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria SCI CH2-1 Balanced Diet Hearing Impairment Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Bone Development and Remodeling Toxicology Bone Skin and Derivatives Nutrition Vocabulary Body Fluids Surgical Nutrition Thyroid Gland Hospitality Cardiovascular Nursing

Other quiz:

Pharmacology › View

How long can you store an opened insulin vial at room temperature?

A. 5 days

B. 3 weeks

C. 1 month

D. 6 months

Pharmacology › View

Where can the Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor be found?

A. In the lungs

B. In the brain

C. In the kidneys

D. Smooth muscle cells of blood vessels,