Medical Quiz

Nutrition Vocabulary Quiz


The amount of food that a person chooses to eat.

A. portion

B. serving size

C. portion distortion

Food that is in its original condition and has been processed or refined as little as possible. (Might include washing, bagging, bunching together, etc.)

A. lightly processed foods

B. whole foods

C. nutrient rich foods

A pattern of eating that includes what, how much, how often and why a person eats.

A. calories

B. diet

C. calorie balance

A specific amount of food that helps us compare one food to another.

A. portion

B. serving size

C. portion distortion

A food product that is created by radically nontraditional ways and doesn’t look like an original food or didn’t use a method a home cook might use.

A. processed food (ultra or highly)

B. lightly processed food

C. whole food

When calories eaten in food and beverages are used up through physical activity and metabolism.

A. calories

B. basal metabolism

C. calorie balance

The amount of calories needed to maintain a person’s normal body functions when at rest.

A. diet

B. metabolism

C. basal (base) metabolism

The study of how our bodies use the foods we eat to keep us healthy.

A. nourish

B. nutrients

C. nutrition

When our bodies convert energy in our food into energy our body can use.

A. diet

B. metabolism

C. basal (base) metabolism

Foods that have lots of calories and few vitamins and minerals.

A. whole foods

B. nutrient rich foods

C. empty calorie foods

Weak and in bad health because of a lack of food or food that is good for you.

A. malnourished

B. undernourished

C. nourish

A hormone made by the pancreas that controls blood sugar.

A. ghrelin

B. leptin

C. insulin

To supply what is necessary for life, health and growth, in order to keep alive.

A. nutrition

B. nourish

C. undernourished

A food product that has five or fewer ingredients and is produced with methods similar to what a home cook might use.

A. processed foods (ultra or highly)

B. lightly processed foods

C. whole Foods

A hormone produced by the fat cells that regulates fat storage and how many calories you eat and “burn”.

A. ghrelin

B. leptin

C. insulin

The substances in our food that keep our bodies functioning properly.

A. nourish

B. nutrition

C. nutrients

Foods that have lots of vitamins and minerals and few calories.

A. empty calorie foods

B. nutrient rich foods

C. lightly processed foods

A hormone produced by the stomach that signals your brain that the stomach is empty and it is time to eat.

A. ghrelin

B. leptin

C. insulin

Eating less than the minimum amount of the quality food essential for health and growth.

A. malnourished

B. undernourished

C. nourish

An upward shift in the size and calorie count of food purchased and served.

A. portion

B. serving size

C. portion distortion

Units of energy your body gets from food and beverages.

A. calories

B. diet

C. metabolism


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