Medical Quiz

Health issue related to immune system Quiz

What is the mechanism of antibody action shown in the diagram?

A. Precipitation

B. Lysis

C. Neutralisation

D. Agglutination

Select your answer:


Nutrition - Digestive System Health issue related to immune system Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Cell Membrane and Transport Living Organisms EMR Pathophysiology Tissue Repair Pathology -ology Cardio and Resp Disorders Health Unit Coordinating Musculoskeletal Body System Interactions Biomedical HCMA - Hematology CABG Surgery

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In children, what is a common cause of tumor lysis syndrome?

A. Surgery

B. Antibiotics

C. Chemotherapy

D. Stem cell transplant

Microbiology › View

Which type of bacteria can multiply only in the presence of oxygen?

A. Anaerobes

B. Aerobes

C. Salmonella

D. Facultative anaerobes