Medical Quiz

Physical Activity Quiz

What aspect of fitness does the following define: “The ability to use strength quickly to produce an explosive effort”

A. Agility

B. Muscular power

C. Muscular endurance

D. Estamina

Select your answer:


Vascular Surgery Muscularskeletal System Hospital Unit Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Cosmetology Bones, Joints and Muscles Chronic Diseases Pathology Pharmacology Vitamins Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology My Teeth SSTI and Bone Infections Cytology and Histology Fish Health Management History of Psychology

Other quiz:

The Human Body › View

What happens when the eyeball is longer from front to back?

A. Double vision

B. Glaucoma

C. Hypermetropia

D. Myopia

Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology › View

Which ONE of the following is the term used to describe difficulty breathing?

A. Apnoea

B. Tahcypnoea

C. Dyspnoea

D. Bradypnoea