Medical Quiz

Topics: World Health Day Quiz

The World Health Day is celebrated on ________.

A. 1st March

B. 7th April

C. 6th October

D. 10th December

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular Diseases Mycology Carbohydrates Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Pain Management Fainting and Nosebleed Ankle Injuries Food for Thought Pulse Histology - Tissues Eczema Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Doctor Equipments Cell Cycle Problems Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration

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Human Body Systems › View

After food is digested in the stomach, it goes to ____________________.

A. the esophagus

B. the large intestine

C. the small intestine

D. the rectum

Cell Theory and Cellular Structure › View

Which of the following is a characteristic of eukaryotic cells?

A. They lack a nucleus.

B. They are generally smaller than prokaryotic cells.

C. They contain membrane-bound organelles.

D. They do not have a plasma membrane.