Medical Quiz

Topics: Vitals Quiz

A 48 old male comes to your clinic c/o chest pain and dizziness. Upon observations, you notice slight cyanosis on PT’s nailbeds. PT’s HR registers 110 and BP 100/55. How would you justify PT’s vitals.

A. Rapid heartbeat prevents the heart’s chambers from filling completely between contractions, which restricts blood flow to the rest of the body, depriving body of oxygen.

B. PT could be taking medications that are increasing HR

C. PT is experiencing anxiety, suppressing his respiration

Select your answer:


Nervous / Sensory System BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer EKG CCMA Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Diet Hazards & Risks Immunology Lipids Nutrition and Calorific Value Entomology Oral Hygiene DNA and RNA Structures Human Eye and Colourful World Division of Microbiology Vaccines

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