Vitals Quiz
Certain situations can cause changes in ones respiration rate.
A 65 year old woman is present in the ER, C/O SOB. Patient displays visible signs of cyanosis. Her SPo2 level was 85%. The patient is most likely suffering from what condition?
A. Hypoxemia
B. Hypochondria
C. Hyperlipidemia
D. Edema
Recently, you have developed severe Pneumonia, this would be considered which type of condition?
A. Horrible
B. Acute
C. Chronic
D. A Death Sentence
These numbers provide critical information (hence the name “vital”) about a patient’s state of health.
A. What are Vital Signs
B. What is the Scale
C. What is BMI
D. I have no idea
Your patient has diabetes and you have been treating them for over 20 years. This condition is considered….
A. Chronic
B. Terminal
C. Very bad
D. Acute
Preventive Care
A. Routine health care that includes screenings, check-ups, and patient counseling to prevent illnesses, disease, or other health problems.
B. Concerned with billing and accounting of medical procedures
C. Is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high
D. Services for people in need of outside assistance
What is the definition of disease?
A. Having an illness persisting for a long time or constantly recurring
B. A deviation from the normal structure of the human body that produces signs and symptoms.
C. Clinical measurements that indicate the state of a person’s essential body functions
D. The force of circulating blood on the walls of the arteries.
A major artery that carries blood from the heart to the head
A. Brachial Artery
B. Carotid Artery
C. Vital Artery
D. Radial Artery
A 48 old male comes to your clinic c/o chest pain and dizziness. Upon observations, you notice slight cyanosis on PT’s nailbeds. PT’s HR registers 110 and BP 100/55. How would you justify PT’s vitals.
A. Rapid heartbeat prevents the heart’s chambers from filling completely between contractions, which restricts blood flow to the rest of the body, depriving body of oxygen.
B. PT could be taking medications that are increasing HR
C. PT is experiencing anxiety, suppressing his respiration
The act or process of breathing : the inhaling of oxygen and the exhaling of carbon dioxide
A. Perspiring
B. Respiration
C. Breathing
D. Systolic
The term apnea is a condition in which patients stop breathing for short period during sleep.
An indication of how much pressure you blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart beats.
A. Blood pressure
B. Pulse rate
C. High blood pressure
D. Hypertension
A measure of how hot or cold something is; specifically, a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object.
A. Temperature
B. Disease
C. Vital Signs
D. Ha