Medical Quiz

Vision Quiz


As I was driving along the freeway, a huge truck came hurtling up behind me. It seemed to take ages for the long body to get past as it overtook me. Afterwards, it gradually disappeared up the road in front of me. Which of the following principles would I have applied to help me realise that the truck remained the same size, although its image on my retinas changed?

A. shape constancy and size constancy

B. size constancy and orientation constancy

C. brightness constancy and orientation constancy

D. brightness constancy and size constancy

Are clustered near the center of the retina, they detect fine detail and allow color vision.

A. Light

B. Rods

C. Cones

D. Energy

The reason we are unable to see clearly underwater is because:

A. images on our retina are crisscrossed by a network of veins and are amplified by water.

B. the water interrupts the organisation of the visual process and we are unable to make sense of it

C. the cornea of the eye is designed to refract or bend light travelling through the air, not water.

D. the cornea reaches its absolute threshold under water, which therefore blurs our vision.

Rubens Vase and the duck-rabbit are examples of

A. misinterpreted depth cue illusions

B. Ambiguous figure illusions

C. Fiction illusions

D. unexplained illusions

Gestalt Principles

A. Form Perception
Depth Perception
Perceptual Constancy

B. Perceptual task

C. Proximity

D. Depth Perception
Visual Cliff
Monocular Cue

Detect blacks, whites, and grays, and are necessary for peripheral and twilight vision.

A. Rods

B. Cones

C. Light

D. Cells

Another word for nearsightedness

A. myopia

B. hyperopia

C. Utopia

D. farsightedness

Using two eyes for depth is called a

A. Monocular cue

B. Binocular cue

C. Connectedness

D. Linear perspective


A. Distance from one wave peak to the next

B. Color experienced

C. Height

D. Amount of contained energy; influences brightness

Which is not believed to influence our perceptual set

A. Genes

B. Emotion

C. Motivation

D. Culture

The process where stimuli is converted into a neural signal, then send to the brain:

A. perception

B. sensation

C. conduction

D. transduction

What part of your eye sends the messages to and from your brain?

A. retina

B. optic nerve

C. iris

D. vitreous humor


A. Distance from one wave peak to the next

B. Color experienced

C. Height

D. Amount of contained energy; influences brightness

Is electromagnetic radiation traveling in waves.

A. Ligth

B. Color

C. Sensation

D. Perception

the ability to recognize details in visual images

A. Figure-ground discrimination

B. Visual closure

C. Visual discrimination

The number of complete wavelengths that can pass a point in a given time, depends on the length of the wave 

A. Waves

B. Frequency

C. Wavelenghts

D. Peaks

Represents ability to see objects in three dimensions, although the images that strike the retina are two dimensional

A. Visual Organization

B. Form Perception

C. Depth Perception

D. Color-Vision

The height from peak to trough (top to bottom)

A. Frequency

B. Peak

C. Waves

D. Amplitud

……………….. or configurationism is a school of psychology that emerged in the early twentieth century in Austria and Germany as a theory of perception that was a rejection of basic principles of Wilhelm Wundt’s and Edward Titchener’s elementalist and structuralist psychology

A. Gestalt – Psychology

B. Light – Psychology

C. Color – Psychology

D. Vision – Psychology

The first perceptual task is to perceive any object (figure) as distinct from its surroundings (ground).

A. Perceptual Constancy

B. Depth Perception

C. Perception Figure and Ground

D. Form Perception

What part of the eye allows us to see color?

A. cones

B. rods

C. iris

D. eyeball

Identify the first process in receiving and interpreting visual stimuli.

A. interpretation

B. reception

C. transmission

D. transduction

the famous room designed to play tricks on your visual depth cues is

A. Room 101

B. the Muller-Lyer room

C. Rubens Room

D. the Ames room

Which of the following is the correct order of the structures through which light passes after entering the eye?

A. Lens, pupil, cornea, retina

B. Pupil, cornea, lens, retina

C. Cornea, retina, pupil, lens

D. Cornea, pupil, lens, retina

What is the protective covering over your eye?

A. refraction

B. cornea

C. puppies

D. eyeballs


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