Therapeutic Services Roots Quiz
The doctor has ordered an X-ray using a LATERAL view of the chest. I will be x-raying this………
A. side of the chest
B. front of the chest
C. back of the chest
D. the lower chest
Scoliosis is a medical condition that means a person has a ____________ spine.
A. straight
B. crooked
C. long
D. narrow
My chin is _________________to my eyes
A. superior
B. posterior
C. inferior
D. anterior
Medi/o is the root for this….
A. outside
B. inside
C. beginning
D. middle
ORTH/o is the root meaning…..
A. straight
B. opening
C. middle
D. bones
Anter/o as in the anterior view means this
A. back
B. side
C. front
D. below
OSTEOporosis is a disease of the…
A. stomach
B. pancreas
C. liver
D. bones
If something is described as PORous, it means it has many
A. small openings
B. legs
C. small eyes
D. illnesses
MYOpathy is a term that refers to any disease that affects this part of the body……
A. nose
B. back
C. muscles
D. joints
The DORSal fin is on a sharks’ ……..
A. back
B. side
C. stomach
D. tail
KINESIology is the study of …….
A. the body
B. the endocrine system
C. muscles
D. movement
COST/O is the root meaning this…..
A. skull
B. rib
C. cartilage
D. muscle
ARTHRitis is an inflammation of this area of the body…….
A. stomach
B. joints
C. long bones
D. skull
The POSTerior view is from the…….
A. back
B. front
C. side
D. top
CHONDRItis is an inflammation of this………
A. cartilage
B. skin
C. eyes
D. nerves