Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Quiz
what is NOT one of the principal functions of the skin
A. sensation
B. hear regulation
C. digestion
D. excretion
A raised, inflamed papule with a white or yellow center containing pus is in the top of the lesion is a _____.
A. papillary
B. pustule
C. callus
D. comedo
Emotional stress and hormone imbalances can increase the flow of _____.
A. sebum
B. spinal fluid
C. lymph
D. pus
what is the oily secretion that lubricates the skin and preserves the softness of the hair
A. sebum
B. collagen
C. elastin
D. perspiration
Skin gets its strength, form and flexibility from _______.
A. collagen and keratin
B. sebum and melanin
C. keratin and elastin
D. collagen and elastin
What is the name of the special cell in the stratum germinativum, responsible for producing dark skin pigment?
A. sensory nerve fibers
B. dermal papillae
C. papules
D. melanocytes
Small, cone-shaped elevations at the base of the hair follicles are ____
A. melanocytes
B. papules
C. dermal papillae
D. sectretory coils
Small, cone-shaped elevations at the bottom of hair follicles are known as _____.
A. papules
B. sensory nerve fibers
C. dermal papillae
D. melanocytes
The fibrous protein that gives skin its flexibility and helps skin regain its shape after being expanded is
A. collagen
B. elastin
C. keratin
D. protein
Lack of water is the principal cause of ______.
A. daytime fatigue
B. daytime hunger
C. daytime mood swings
D. daytime memory loss
The outer layer of the epidermis is the _____ layer.
A. stratum corneum
B. stratum granulosum
C. stratum germinativum
D. stratum lucidum
What is the medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin
A. Osteology
B. cardiology
C. neurology
D. dermatology
A fatty or oily secretion that lubricates the skin and preserves the softness of the hair is _____.
A. sebum
B. lymph
C. pus
D. melanin
The USDA recommends that people eat _____.
A. zero salt and zero sugar
B. large amounts of salt and sugar
C. moderate amounts of salt and sugar
D. moderate amounts of salt and no sugar
which nerve fibers react to heat, cold, touch, pressure, and pain?
A. motor
B. secretory
C. passive
D. sensory