Reproductive System Vocabulary Quiz
A packet of enzymes in a sperms head
A. acrosome
B. epididymis
C. ovum
D. glans
roll of skin that covers the glans of the penis
A. semen
B. foreskin
C. menopause
D. ovum
A fluid produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy and just after labor.
A. human chorionic gonadotropin
B. colosturm
C. placenta
D. ovarian cycle
The ovarian cycle of events that take place before ovulation
A. luteal phase
B. follicular phase
C. proliferative phase
D. cowpers gland
the cessation of menstrual periods
A. ovulation
B. ovarian cycle
C. menstrual cycle
D. menopause
Cells that produce testosterone in the testes
A. acrosome
B. mammary
C. leydigs
D. ovum
the lowermost part of the uterus
A. fallopian tubes
B. vagina
C. glans
D. cervix
Attachment of the embryo to the endometrial lining
A. implantation
B. fertilization
C. gastrula
D. fetus
beginning of childbirth
A. uterus
B. pregnancy
C. labor
D. menopause
Tubes in the testes where sperm is produced
A. vas defrens
B. seminiferous tubules
C. epidiymis
D. cervical cancer
Tumors of the myometrium
A. placenta
B. fibroids
C. cervical cancer
D. breast cancer
fluid-filled sac that surrounds the fetus
A. placenta
B. oocyte
C. amniotic sac
D. scrotum
delivery of the fetus by surgical incision
A. cesarean section
B. prgnancy
C. labor
D. menopause
glands that help produce semen
A. seminal vesicle
B. vas defrens
C. testes
D. seminiferous tubules
Tube that transports sperm from the testes to the urethra
A. placenta
B. uterus
C. cervix
D. vas deferens