Medical Quiz

Topics: Renal and Gastrointestinal System Quiz

The filtering unit of the kidneys?

A. Renin

B. Nephrons

C. Ions

D. Loop of Henly

Select your answer:


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Enzymes and Digestion › View

Where is bile produced and stored in the body?

A. Produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder

B. Produced and stored in the gall bladder

C. Produced in the stomach and stored in the liver

D. Produced and stored in the pancreas

CP A&P: Cardiovascular › View

A medical procedure in which a catheter is fed through veins in the leg to a blockage where a balloon is inflated in the blocked artery and a wire mesh stent is inserted to hold the artery open.

A. coronary bypass surgery

B. angioplasty

C. electrocardiogram

D. sphygmomanometer