Parathyroid Gland Quiz
What is the medical term for nerves fibers discharging spontaneously and causing twitching?
A. Parkinson’s
B. tetany
C. nerve impulse disease
D. infarction
Which structure reabsorbs the calcium that is released by the bone when PTH is secreted?
A. kidney
B. ureter
C. bladder
D. liver
What vitamin does PTH activate?
A. E
B. C
C. A
D. D
How is the parathyroid regulated?
A. concentration of calcium in the blood and tissue fluid
B. concentration of vitamin D in the blood and tissue fluid
The parathyroid gland is essential for which of the following?
A. muscle function
B. bone metabolism
C. blood clotting
D. cell-membrane permeability
E. All above
Where is the parathyroid located?
A. surrounds the thyroid gland
B. under the tongue
C. behind the ear
D. superior to the brain stem
Which modality is the most common to diagnose problems with the parathyroid gland?
A. Ultrasound
D. Xray
Where is the calcium absorbed from when PTH activates vitamin D?
A. stomach
B. intestines
C. esophagus
D. bone
Why would bones become more brittle is PTH was being secreted too much?
A. not enough calcium in blood
B. kidneys not functioning well enough
C. calcium loss in urine
D. too much calcium being released from the bone