Topics: Muscular System Terms Quiz
. In a lively gym class, Getse and Elli are on a mission to discover the secrets of muscle magic! Can you help them figure out what the ability of a muscle to shorten and generate force when stimulated is called?
A. Elasticity
B. Contractibility
C. Extensibility
D. Excitability
Select your answer:
Biological Molecules Sense of Sight Cardio and Resp Disorders Cardiology Services Med Terms Digestive System Medical Terminology Blood Typing Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries Blood and Bones Pathology Reproduction in Human Beings Health & Wellness Vocabulary Health and Disease Lung & Breathing Animal Nutrition The Inflammatory ResponseOther quiz:
Physiology › ViewThe heart Frank-Starling’s law depicts the relation between
A. preload and stroke volume
B. stroke volume and cardiac output
C. afterload and coronary blood flow
D. afterload and stroke volume
E. heart rate and cardiac output
Genetics › View
“The Great White Shark was 20 feet in length. Phenotype or Genotype?
A. phenotype
B. genotype