Bending hand toward the thumb is an example of?
A. flexion
B. extension
C. abduction
D. adduction
Select your answer:
Cardiovascular System Food System & Nutrients Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Pathology Inflammation Disease Outbreak and Transmission PBS Routine Testing Radiation and Health Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Surgical tech-safety Health and Disease Health Issues Related to Digesting System and Eating Habits Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Gene Expression Hematology & Blood Banking Stem Cells & Cell DifferentiationOther quiz:
Facial & Dental Injuries › ViewWhich type of tooth fracture occurs below the gum line
A. uncomplicated crown fracture
B. complicated crown fracture
C. root fracture
Immunology › View
Which of the following best describes the differences between the classic and alternate complement pathways?
A. The classic pathway results in the lysis of the target cell, which is not the case with the alternate pathway.
B. The alternate pathway requires antibody for initiation, and the classic pathway is antibody-independent.
C. The classic pathway is more active than the alternate pathway.
D. The alternate pathway typically requires C3b for activation, while the classical pathway typically requires antigen-antibody complexes.