Topics: Muscle Anatomy Quiz
Which of the following is NOT a function of the muscular system?
A. stabilization of joints
B. generation of heat
C. maintenance of posture
D. blood cell formation
Select your answer:
Pulmonary Edema and CHF Cardiovascular System Life Cycle - Bee Health Issues and Concerns Ortho Ward Simulation Dermis Hospital Wards and Departments Pulse Hormones Endocrinology Cardiovascular System Anatomy Immunology IBD Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Breathing System Disease PreventionOther quiz:
-ology › ViewRachel loves rocks, minerals, and gems. What might she study in college?
A. geology
B. biology
C. sociology
D. anthropology
Vision and Hearing Defects › View
How does the mechanism of myopia lead to blurry distant vision?
A. The cornea flattens, spreading the light too wide on the retina.
B. The lens loses its elasticity, failing to properly focus light.
C. The eyeball elongates, causing light rays to focus before reaching the retina.
D. The retina moves closer to the lens, distorting the light focus.