How do individual systems in the human body improve our chances of survival?
A. By working independently
B. By working in conjunction with other systems
C. By performing tasks that can be achieved by single parts alone
D. By maintaining an unstable internal body environment
Select your answer:
Introduction to Pharmacology Wellness Vocabulary How the Eyes work Pancreatitis Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp T Cells -ology Biological Molecules Anatomy Respiratory System Pathology Introduction Cell Injury STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Systematic Bacteriology Eye in Color Vision Food System & Nutrients Nutrition and Human Digestive SystemOther quiz:
Physical and Sensory Impairment › ViewWhat is the definition of Disability
A. A disability is an impairment/handicap condition that prevents a person from perform weekly living skills.
B. A disability is a mental/physical condition that prevents a person from perform monthly living skills.
C. A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities, for example, walking, thinking, seeing, speaking or hearing.
Respiratory Acidosis › View
You are reviewing the results of an ABG. When the pH and the PaCO2 values are moving in opposite directions, the primary problem is:
A. Respiratory
B. Renal
C. Metabolic
D. Compensation