Medical Quiz

Topics: Kidney - Loop of Henlé Quiz

This tissue is…

A. renal medulla

B. renal cortex

C. pancreas

D. liver lobule

Select your answer:


Biochemistry Vocabulary Health-Wellness-Illness Gene Cloning Tutor Oral Biology EMR Pathophysiology Urinary System and Fluid Balance The Cell Cycle & Cancer Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Pathophysiology_Endocrine Cells, Tissues and Organs Anatomy & Physiology Cardiology Balanced Diet Enzymes & Metabolism HL

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A. Discharge of fat in feces.

B. Enzyme to digest fat.

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Name the thinnest bone in the human body?

A. Stapes

B. Malleus

C. Incus

D. Fibula